It's easy to be in the humble company of Matt Ellis and his guitar player, Josh Norton. Quiet and relaxed, the native Australian and his LA mate set up easily, ready to dig in. Which is just what they did. A skilled player with deep blues roots, Josh added the ambiance to round out Matt's steady acoustic accompanied by his determined, pleading vocals. He sang his heart out till he was hoarse (he was also on tail end of a cold). He talked a little about writing the song at his kitchen table. It's sad and lonely and honest and heartwrenching. He also reflected on his recent marriage. The song must have worked. How could she have ever said no?!

Recording notes: For Matt's vocals, we used a Blue Kiwi microphone sent through the preamp of our vintage Neve console and then inserted the Tube Tech Compressor for a tiny touch of compression. His Australian hand-crafted guitar's sound was on the bright side with the original mic, the NeumannKM88, so we added a 2nd guitar mic, a Neuman M149 tube mic, and blended the sound.
Josh brought his Epiphone Sheridan and Fender Blues DeVille amp. We isolated his amp in the vocal booth. We mic'd it with a Shure 57 plus a Blue Omnimouse for room sound.
Check out the clear, rich sound of Matt's songs (option-click to download):
10:15 on the 405
Hey Mister
King's Cross
My Mistake
Through to You
Tell the People
10:15 on the 405
Hey Mister
King's Cross
My Mistake
Through to You
Tell the People

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